Recruitment agencies

One platform to access opportunities with companies from the whole world

Receive job opening

Once you have submitted your company information and it is approved, you become a Talent Bay supplier. You will then be eligible to work on selected recruitment opportunities and present qualified and interested candidates for the open position to fill.

Receive job opening
Source and interview candidates

Source and interview candidates

As a Talent Bay supplier, your company has been carefully selected as a top-level recruitment firm and sourcing and presenting quality candidates to our clients’ open positions will greatly help you receive more opportunities to work on, open up new and international markets for you and improve your company’s billing.

Present qualified candidates

As you present quality candidates from your search and selection process, you will be able to follow their processes digitally and in real time. You will be part of a fully transparent process with quick and honest feedback on the candidates you have presented for different open positions.

Present qualified candidates
Candidate selected by client

Candidate selected by client

Once one of your candidates has been selected by a client, you are entitled to your part of the recruitment fee. You only have to deal with us regarding all financial aspects and contractual guarantees.

Candidate starts

When your candidate starts, you receive your recruitment fee for your delivery.

Candidate starts

One point of contact, one contract and one partner to channel all of your candidates, regardless of there they want to work.

TTB acts as a trusted partner to help you focus on the highest value add part of your work.
Source, contact and interact with your candidates. Gives you access to some of the highest tech companies in the world.
We give you all the info, answer your questions and make sure that you are presenting the right type of candidates to the client in order to successfully make more placemenents.